In the anime with Grim Reaper themes, Decim serves as the bartender at Quindecim, actively playing the role of an arbiter for the departed. Their impressive depictions spark an intriguing debate: which of the two series offers the best portrayal of these deathly entities? Arbiters – Death Parade Two of the most renowned anime series that have masterfully portrayed these figures are “Soul Eater” and “Death Note.” Both shows offer unique and captivating interpretations of Grim Reapers and shinigami, making them standout examples in anime. These supernatural entities often embody themes of life, death, fate, and the moral complexities of human existence.
Grim Reapers and shinigami, translated as “death gods” or “gods of death” in Japanese, are recurring and iconic figures in the realm of anime. The best anime with a Grim Reaper are Soul Eater, RIN-NE, Assassination Classroom, Black Butler, Yu Yu Hakusho, Death Note, and Bleach.